Image IMG 7361 by Rivergate Photography

Competitions > Crufts - HTM and Freestyle Finals > Crufts 2008 HTM Competition > Ann De Rizzio > IMG 7361
Ann De Rizzio with Stillmoor Touch of Spice performing at Crufts 2008 in the Arena at the NEC Birmingham
IMG 7361 
 Ann De Rizzio with Stillmoor Touch of Spice performing at Crufts 2008 in the Arena at the NEC Birmingham 
 Keywords: 2008, Arena, BC, Display, NEC, Stillmoor Touch of Spice, ann de rizzio, birmingham, border collie, canine freestyle, crufts, dancing, dogs, heelwork to music, htm, march, performance
IMG 7361 
 Ann De Rizzio with Stillmoor Touch of Spice performing at Crufts 2008 in the Arena at the NEC Birmingham 
 Keywords: 2008, Arena, BC, Display, NEC, Stillmoor Touch of Spice, ann de rizzio, birmingham, border collie, canine freestyle, crufts, dancing, dogs, heelwork to music, htm, march, performance
© Rivergate Photography

Ann De Rizzio with Stillmoor Touch of Spice performing at

Crufts 2008 in the Arena at the NEC Birmingham